Sunday, March 17, 2024

Monday Motivator #28 2023-24


Firming Up Routines

There is magic in the old and magic in the new. The trick is to successfully combine the two.
―Adrienne Posey

An Ordinary Day to Start New

I used to struggle to get out of bed in the mornings. Then one ordinary day in the middle of the school year, in the middle of the month, in the middle of the week, I decided to make a change.  
We can make changes to our routines in the middle of things. We don’t need to wait until the start of a school year, or the start of a unit of study, or a fresh start after a break. We can start on a Wednesday.  
That’s what I did. I changed my morning routine one random Wednesday. It was more than a decade ago, and I’m still grateful that I didn’t wait for pomp and circumstance. I just made one small change.
Over the years I’ve tweaked my morning routine, never waiting until a special occasion, but simply responding to what feels right. My life is better because of this attitude.
We can do this in our classrooms, too. Humans adapt. And the younger the human, the easier the adaption. Too often we see an idea or we know a routine that would be helpful, but we put it off, filing it away for next year. We make ourselves believe that it’s too late to play with a procedure or update a routine. 
This is simply not true. This week, as random as the timing seems, we look at firming up routines, because it’s always the right time to strengthen our routines.
Shine on,
Ruth Ayres
Editor in Chief

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