Sunday, February 12, 2023

Monday Motivator #24 2022-23

With Valentine's day this week and some having friendship parties, or friendship activities, here are a few videos you might like to share with students:

Listen to these adorable preschoolers share words of wisdom about how to make friends. It's "kindness, empathy, compassion" and, of course, sharing your Cheetos with everyone!

Listen to Kid President as he explains how to make a friend. Friendship videos like this one will appeal to middle school students and possibly older kids (and possibly upper elementary) since the main characters are 12 and 14. During their discussion Kid President asks his guest to complete the sentence "The world would be more awesome if..." His guest Donna then answers, "If everybody learned to accept each other even if they're different from each other." Finally they discuss their Muslim religion and dwarfism in a heartwarming conversation about differences.

You might also search the Playbook in Panorama for the following lessons:

Everyone's Welcome: The purpose of this activity is for students to explore the importance of inclusion and creating community by initiating friendships with one another.  

Intermediate and above:
What is Kindness?:  This lesson is meant to encourage students to become more aware of their wider school community. Showing Kindness to a student in another grade or an adult at the school might require bravery, but there are a myriad of opportunities if students are tuned into the needs of others in their community.

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Monday Motivator #23 2024-25

Make Kindness the Norm, Not the Exception In a world full of opportunities to connect and uplift one another, kindness has the power to shin...