Sunday, January 26, 2025

Monday Motivator #20 2024-25


What Research Tells Us about Classroom Decor

I have two colleagues who couldn’t differ more in their approach to classroom decoration.

The first teacher’s door, walls, and even ceiling are adorned with crafts, posters, mobiles, and brightly colored murals that correlate with various topics and themes studied throughout the school year.

The other teacher’s classroom is simple, spartan…even sterile. I’ve wondered on occasion which approach is best for students.

After all, it’s clear that the environment we work in impacts both our behavior and performance. Studies by environmental psychologists illustrate how color schemes, lighting, and even the appearance of the waitstaff in restaurants influence our dining habits.

Over the past decade, companies like Google, Facebook, and Pixar have pumped billions into designing workspaces for employees that foster collaboration, creativity, and productivity.

Now there is a growing body of research about how the visual environment of a class impacts – and if we’re not careful hinders – students’ attention and learning. If we’re not cautious, our well-intentioned efforts to spruce up the classroom can devolve into visual noise, color variability, and decorations that distract learners and distort their ability to focus on academics.

As a parent and teacher, I’m cognizant of the vast number of digital distractions competing for young people’s attention and do my best to mitigate them. The same practice holds true for educators decorating classrooms.

Visuals compete for our attention

When multiple objects are present in our surroundings, they end up competing for representation in the visual cortex of our brains. Think of a bunch of performers feverishly acting on a small stage for the attention of a theatergoer. From our audience perspective, fewer performers allows us to focus better and understand what’s going on.

If you’re a teacher seeking to establish a balance between academics and ambience, consider these suggestions.


I remember one year our school library ordered several new books to replace a number of well-worn, banged-up ones that were falling apart. The older titles were put up for grabs as were the bright book covers that came with the new ones.

I snatched as many of each as I could and set forth to immerse my students in the joy of reading. My class walls were soon plastered with colorful book jackets. Piles of old novels were left everywhere for my students to grab.

A colleague entered my “newly” decorated classroom a couple days later and gasped, ”How do your students even focus with all of this!?!” The fire marshal added insult to injury when, at the end of the month, he submitted a report to the principal citing my classroom as a fire hazard due to “excessive coverage of the walls with flammable material.” The message was clear: declutter your classroom and reduce the visual noise (not to mention the combustibles).

Visual noise refers to both the quantity of displays/decorations and the general amount of physical clutter present in the learning space. To reduce our visual noise, we need to start by examining each item and decoration. Consider stowing away anything that doesn’t have a direct, daily impact on learning and teaching.

If you look at something and it’s not an immediate “yes – I need this,” put it in quarantine for a while. If it ends up not being used, toss it or find it another home. When making future classroom decoration decisions, follow the tried-and-true principle of moderation.

Choose Colors Carefully

We often have considerable control over our classroom color choices. That’s a good thing. Color is an essential part of our learning environment and can affect students’ emotions and their perception of our sense of community and educational purpose.

A multitude of opinions and loosely supported theories circulate among educators about which colors are the most inviting, calming, and conducive to learning. The reality, however, is that many people have a preference for certain colors due to their cultural background, geographical region, and past experiences.

Still, there is some education research that proves helpful about colors in the classroom. Studies in 20132015, and 2022, all agree that moderate levels of color (and less visual stimulation in general) have a more positive impact on student attention and achievement.

It’s not that classrooms need to be sterile. Experiment with color palettes (see this post by a 5th grade teacher on switching from themes to schemes). It’s simply that we should exercise caution and moderation when decorating…even if the teacher next to us insists on transforming their entire classroom into a tropical rainforest.


Godwin, K. E., Leroux, A. J., Scupelli, P., & Fisher, A. V. (2022). Classroom Design and Children’s Attention Allocation: Beyond the Laboratory and into the Classroom. Mind, Brain, and Education.

Stroebele, N., & De Castro, J. M. (2004). Effect of ambience on food intake and food choice. Nutrition20(9), 821-838.

Feature photo: Unsplash

Monday, January 20, 2025

Monday Motivator #19 2024-25

Reminder from the district Equity Leadership Team

  January Heritage Month Resources


This month we celebrate :

  • Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday


The resources provided by our Equity Co-Chairs and Equity Advocates will help you engage students in meaningful ways. These include:

1. Resources and Read-alouds for K-5

2. Resources for 6-12

3. Staff Growth and Learning

4. Events occurring throughout the city


Feel free to use these resources at any time throughout the month.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Monday Motivator #18 2024-25


Open Your Mailbox: This strategy comes from Panorama Ed Playbook:


The goal of using this strategy is to create a safe space in which students are expressing what they need to engage in their learning.


This short ritual focuses on creating a safe and inclusive space for students to share what they need in order to succeed as a learner.


  • Consider preparing sentences as a scaffold for students who will benefit. For example: “For me to learn this morning, I need my teacher to ___ and my classmates to ___.”


(1) At the beginning of the day (or at the start of a learning block) have students form a circle. They can be standing or sitting at their desks.

(2) Prompt students to go in a circle and, if they feel comfortable, share what they need to be effective as a learner that day.

  • Ensure that students know it is totally optional to share. If they do not share, the expectation is that they pay close attention to the students who are expressing their learning needs.
(3) Close this activity by affirming that you have heard these needs and share that you will do your best to honor them throughout the day/period.

When You Might Use This Strategy:

  • Use the strategy at the start of the instructional day or learning block as an opportunity for students who would like to explain to their teachers and peers in a safe space what they need for the block of work time to be effective.

Why this works

Teachers actively trying to create learning partnerships with students can use it to build engagement and empathy in the classroom. It also helps better engage kids who don’t typically express what they need to learn.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Monday Motivator #17 2024-25


Setting Intentions Provides a ‘Why’
for the ‘What’

In the beginning of any new year, we hear a lot about resolutions and
goal setting. But what is the purpose of these resolutions and promises
we make to ourselves? That’s where intention setting comes in.

Why Set An Intention?

Studies show that thinking about the future makes life feel more
meaningful for people. But how many of us have set goals and made
resolutions only to fall short? 

Setting an intention is a way to identify how you want to feel rather than
what you want to do. An intention can help you more closely align your
goals with purpose. Finding meaning and purpose during uncertain
times is one way to support emotional well-being.

How Is An Intention Different Than
a Goal or Resolution?

Resolutions often live somewhere in the future, and often include things
we should not be doing or won’t do. Setting goals can be helpful and
, but what happens when we don’t achieve them? 

On the other hand, intentions are meant to be positive, are anchored
in the present moment and bring us into the now. When thinking
about intention, it helps to: 

  • Refrain from getting too attached to a certain outcome
  • Don’t create an intention from a place of judgement 
  • Think of an intention as a value you want to align your life with,
    an aim, purpose or attitude 
  • Stay heart driven, value oriented, and focus on purpose

How Do I Set An Intention?

You might want to journal your thoughts or draw them. 
Move away from thinking and more into feeling. Move out of your mind
and into your heart.
Ask yourself: 

  • What would I like to create or nurture in my life?
  • What words would l like to align myself with?
  • What would I like to release?
  • What brings me joy, purpose?
  • What am I grateful for?
  • What do I want my life to feel like, sound like, taste like,
    smell like and look like?

Helping Kids Set Intentions

Setting an intention is great for kids as well as grown-ups.
One way to explain “intention” to children is to ask them why they want
to achieve a certain goal. Just like adults, kids can connect to the ways
they want to feel at the end of a day, week or even year. Intention setting
can help kids stay focused, highlight smaller day-to-day achievements,
build confidence and create opportunities to celebrate.

Goals and intentions both encourage mindfulness, reflection, and positive
self-direction. Still, there are a few key differences. While a goal is a clear
and measurable target, an intention is more of a guiding principle.

For instance, an intention might be, “I am going to become a more
thoughtful person.” By contrast, a goal could be, “I will complete five random
acts of kindness by Friday evening.”

Why is helping kids set intentions important?

Intentions help people stay focused in their daily lives. They reflect the
individual’s values and are personally inspiring and motivating.

In a stressful and often overwhelming world, they remind children to be
mindful about their mental and emotional health. Setting intentions provides
guidance for connecting your actions to your values and aspirations.
It helps you cut through the chaos to identify what is most important to you.

Intentions can be especially helpful in areas of life that feel uncertain or
challenging. Because they focus on process and growth, they’re a great way
to help children notice and celebrate improvement.

For instance, a young soccer player might set her intention to become a
better team player. Even if her team doesn’t win, she can still celebrate the
fact that she communicated, passed the ball, and offered encouragement
to her teammates.

How often should children set their intentions?

Intentions may be set hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly. In a classroom,
you may ask students to set their intention at the start of each week, day,
or class period. Alternatively, you can have your students set their intention
before a new activity or project.

At home, children can set daily intentions, or they can choose a focus for
each month. They may also set various intentions for various aspects of life
(e.g., the soccer team, school, church, and family time).

The exact timing doesn’t matter—it’s all about encouraging children to keep
their values in mind and live accordingly.

Questions Kids Can Ask to Arrive at Their Intentions

“Setting intentions” is a broad concept that can be confusing for children.
To get started, talk to kids about what intention means and provide a
few examples, such as:

  • Today, I will focus more in class instead of getting distracted.
  • I will offer help to others.
  • During this project, I will lead by example in my group.
  • Today, I will ask for help instead of getting frustrated or giving up.
  • This week, I will be more patient with the people around me.

Then, ask reflection questions to help children think about their values
and aspirations.
Helpful questions include:

  • What do you hope to accomplish in your life?
  • What do you hope to accomplish today?
  • How do you want to treat the people around you today?
  • How do you want to treat yourself today?
  • What is important to you? What matters the most?
  • List some qualities that you admire in others.
  • What kind of person do you want to be?
  • What are you thankful for today?
  • What would make you feel proud today?
  • Is there anything you’d like to let go of today?
  • What personal qualities make you feel proud?
    What personal qualities would you like to work on or develop?

Questions to Encourage Deeper Reflection

Once children have set their intention, encourage deeper reflection with
questions such as:

  • Why is this intention important to you?
  • How will your intention affect the people around you?
    What about the community, or even the world?
  • How will working toward this intention help you become the best
    version of yourself?

Of course, you may need to adapt these questions for the age of your
children or students. Younger children should focus on fewer questions
to avoid overwhelm.

Depending on how often you set intentions, replace the word “today” with
“this week,” “this class period,” “during this activity,” and so on.

More Tips for Helping Kids Set Intentions

Other best practices for helping kids set their intentions—and remain
accountable—include the following.

Visualize It

Intentions are more abstract than goals, so it’s helpful for children to
visualize working toward their intention in greater detail. Yes, they want to be
more patient with others, but what does that really mean?
What actions can they take to support their intention?

Ask children to draw three columns and list what working toward their
intention will look, sound, and feel like in action. Younger children can
draw a picture of themselves working toward their intention.
You may also ask, “How will you know that you’re working toward your

Once children have practiced setting intentions, this activity isn’t always
necessary. Still, it’s helpful to ask children to take a couple of minutes to
quietly visualize fulfilling their intention.

Create a Routine

Ideally, you’ll have a routine for intention-setting. With your own children at
home, you might discuss your intention for the day around the breakfast table
or in the car on the way to school.

With your students, intention-setting can be a “bell work” activity that they
complete as soon as they arrive in class (either Monday morning, every day,
every other day, etc.). Or maybe your students know that they set their
intention before every group activity or new project.

Although routine intention-setting isn’t essential, it does help children know
what to expect. And when they know what to expect, they’ll begin pondering
their intentions before you even ask, making mindfulness and self-reflection
a healthy new habit.

You can also offer students a variety of intention choices and ask which one(s)
resonate at the current moment.  

Check In

Of course, setting intentions and then immediately forgetting about them is not
beneficial. Check in with children throughout the day or at a designated time.

As students are working, for instance, you can use their intention as a tool to
re-focus them. For instance, say, “I know you set an intention today to lead
by example. How have you been doing that so far?” Check-ins prompted by
students’ own personal intentions are far more meaningful than check-ins
centered around your goals or expectations for students.

During the last five minutes of class, you may ask students to reflect
on their intention. For younger children, this can be as simple as circling,
 “I did it!” or, “Oops, I’ll try again tomorrow.” Older children can free-write
about how they did with their intention, how it felt, what they might do
differently next time, etc.

With your own children, you might want to have a conversation about their
daily intention as you tuck them into bed at night. Whatever process you use,
checking in and encouraging ongoing reflection is key.

As children practice living intentionally and focusing on their guiding principles,
they learn more about themselves and lead more focused, thoughtful,
and productive lives. srsltid=AfmBOopryoSc2VMgyh7sHWLqQQN0JaFi8X1FGjS16hJIM6jNizrvlE6m

Monday Motivator #23 2024-25

Make Kindness the Norm, Not the Exception In a world full of opportunities to connect and uplift one another, kindness has the power to shin...