Sunday, December 15, 2024

Monday Motivator #16 2024-25


5 Day Countdown to Prepare for Winter Break

Winter Break is fast approaching, and teachers are anxious for some well-deserved time off.  But before you can fully enjoy the break and relax with loved ones, there’s the challenging task of prepping your classroom for your departure. Don’t let the craziness of the last week overwhelm you! This 5-day countdown offers simple, manageable steps to ensure you leave a tidy and organized classroom, setting the stage for a smooth and stress-free return in the new year. Follow these tips, and you’ll be walking out those doors ready to unwind and enjoy your break!
Day 5: Make a plan for your first week back
Set yourself up for a successful start to the new year! The first days back after Winter Break can feel a little sluggish, so start thinking about what you’d like to accomplish and make a plan. The new year is a great time to review classroom expectations, set goals, and revisit concepts from previous units of study. Sketch out plans for your first week, make copies, and get materials ready. This will alleviate the inevitable end-of-vacation stress and ensure a smooth transition. 

Day 4: Reset walls and boards
During the build-up to Winter Break, your walls and bulletin boards may have been neglected. Use this time to take down old student work and anchor charts, reset bulletin boards with new backgrounds, and cover important items to prevent damage from any cleaning that might take place. Your efforts now will ensure you return to a more visually appealing and functional classroom.

Day 3: De-clutter your teacher spaces
If you have papers piled up and classroom materials lying around, put them away. A tidy workspace will do wonders for your peace of mind in January. No need to deep clean. Set a 5 or 10-minute timer, then work on straightening up your teacher desk, small group areas, cupboards, and cabinets. 

Day 2: Enlist students for classroom cleaning
Cleaning before break will not only make for an easier transition but will also help students understand the value of taking care of community spaces. Encourage your students to go through their materials, get rid of unnecessary items, and recycle papers. Older students can help wipe down surfaces, and organize shelves, while young students can fill their backpacks with old art projects, student work, and wayward winter clothing. For extra fun, try gamifying the clean-up process with a Clean-Up BINGO card or the “Magic Trash” game.

(Open Link in new tab)

(Open Link in new tab)or by playing my personal favorite: Day 1: Tidy-up 
After your last day frenzy of fun, your room may need some last-minute tidying. Set aside time at the end of the day for students to assist so that you can use your time after school to quickly set up materials you might need for your return. By taking these steps to prepare your classroom for winter break, you’ll walk away with a sense of accomplishment and order, knowing your classroom is prepped and ready for your return. You’ll not only have an organized physical space, you will also be creating mental space for relaxation and rejuvenation. Enjoy it!

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Monday Motivator #15 2024-25


An Attitude of Gratitude

When my daughter Ahna was in first grade, she secretly stuck a note in my purse that read 
                                            I hope you have an extcnt day Mom. Spis! 
                            (Translation: I hope you have an excellent day, Mom. Surprise!)
Ahna’s blossom of kindness was in stark contrast to my inbox with an email that began, “I thought you’d want to know what my whole class didn’t like about the lesson you wrote up.” Sigh.
In the spirit of paying it forward, I pulled out my collection of thank-you cards, selected one with a monkey holding bananas that reads, “Thanks a bunch,” and composed a note of gratitude to a teacher who had collaborated with me on the aforementioned lesson write-up. Inside the envelope, I placed two organic dark chocolate squares and wrote, “One treat for you, one treat for someone sweet. Pass it on.”
My bottom left-hand drawer has several bags of dark chocolate squares for the purpose of making a chocolate connection. Not a day goes by that I can’t genuinely thank a fellow coach, teacher, or administrator. I just need to stop and do it.

Make It Personal
I learned that not everyone is a “words of affirmation” and chocolate fan when I read the book The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman. In simple summary, the book reminded me that everyone likes to receive in different ways. Five ways, in fact: Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch. My primary love language is Quality Time—when I have someone’s undivided attention, it meets my needs in a powerful way.
I have two secondary love languages. The first is Acts of Service. When my children clean up just so we have a more comfortable space or my husband makes dinner on a Friday because he knows I’ve had a long week, these say “I care about you” in my language. Then there are Words of Affirmation. My editor sends personal handwritten notes that I treasure—and they keep me writing.
Love languages in the workplace require some minor revisions. For example, even though Physical Touch might be someone’s love language, there is less of an opportunity to explore that professionally, leaving us with four:
Words of AffirmationWritten or spoken? There is a difference. Some people love to have their work publicly acknowledged, whereas others (like me) appreciate a thoughtful handwritten note.
Quality TimePersonal or professional? Some educators appreciate the time to talk about their lives outside of school, whereas others really want to focus on work.
Receiving GiftsWhat kind? What do people get energy from? One office professional I worked with loved cinnamon, another treasured fruit juices, still another valued great books. Knowing the difference makes a difference.
Acts of ServiceOne day many years ago, my principal brought me a cup of steaming hot tea while I was teaching. I’ve never forgotten that. Good Earth tea, as a matter of fact. Another colleague wrote sub plans for me so I could be a labor coach for my friend who was giving birth (the day before spring break). That sticks with me, and I think of it whenever I see her.

Any leadership position in education requires communication with many different people. Some of those people have impeccable communication skills, and even if they disagree with you, they will do it respectfully and work toward outcomes that meet both parties’ needs. Other educators write emails when they are angry, and push Send before they think it through. I’ve received a few of those.
One day a few years ago I received three of them. I decided that not only was I not going to answer those emails until the next day, but I was going to turn the energy around. Three random educators would receive a note of appreciation from me.
I closed my eyes to think of what I was grateful for that day and wrote a note to a teacher I’d passed in the hall who was holding a little girl who had forgotten her lunch. “Thank you,” I wrote, “for touching my day with your kindness toward your lunchless student.”
I wrote another to the PE teacher who had clapped a sixth-grade student on the back and said, “Nice job, man. That’s the first time you’ve ever scored. That’s awesome. You are improving.”
And I wrote the third to a new teacher in the district: “I was thinking of you and I’m so glad you were hired. I appreciate your energy and enthusiasm.” I left that day with my heart and mind in a hopeful place.
Over time, that’s become part of my practice. I take a challenging interaction, a critical email, or even someone rolling their eyes in a meeting, and I turn it around. I send it off in a positive way. “When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears” is a quote from Anthony Robbins that describes my experience. Every person in general, and teachers in particular, benefit from an attitude of gratitude.
Thank you, Ahna, for the reminder. I will have an extcnt day.

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Monday Motivator #14 2024-25


Keeping Kids Focused Between Thanksgiving and Holiday Break 
The time between Thanksgiving and holiday break or winter break, students tend to
be more concerned with their gift lists and which games will be compatible with their new video game systems rather than their studies. Unfortunately, this time is also right in the middle of the school year, when things need to be moving at full speed in order to meet your objectives. The secondary teachers are even moving toward semester exams. So, how can you ensure that the time between Thanksgiving and winter break isn’t a bust? We’ve got the tips you need to keep students engaged and focused.

Tips for Teachers

How do we keep everything on track in the classroom in what is known as the most distracting time of the school year? Below are some of our recommendations to keep students on track.

1. No Countdowns

We get it; you’re excited about break, too. So much so that you’ve put a countdown on your board with X amount of school days before the break; you and your students can stare at it together, willing the number to go down.

Of course, if you’re staring at the number, nothing else is getting done. So, try to avoid any reminders of the upcoming freedom. Trust me: the students know how close they’re getting to being free, and you have probably programmed an alert in your phone’s calendar. You don’t need any further reminders. 

That said, it probably won't hurt to make sure you and your students spend a moment going through your December agenda and reviewing any important due dates for assignments, projects, or end-of-semester exams once you return from Thanksgiving. 

2. Maximize Engagement

This takes a little experience and trial and error, but if you know which of your units is the most engaging for the year, make it a point to schedule it during this month. Of course, you would like to think all your lessons are engaging, and you might be right. But if you’re honest, there is always a favorite in your arsenal.

If it’s truly your favorite unit, you will inherently have more enthusiasm for the content. That enthusiasm will rub off on the students, hopefully keeping the students focused more on the content and less on the holiday around the corner. Check out a few more tips from educators on how to boost engagement this time of year.

3. Assess Students Constantly

Keeping an eye on the pulse of the class is very important in these distracting times. You want to know quickly if the kids have started slipping. More importantly, you want them to know that they are falling behind.

This doesn’t have to mean quizzes every day (although that would definitely keep the kids focused). Employ a mix of informal assessment, online tasks and data, and tracking. Also, make sure the kids understand the data you are gathering and can see for themselves the effects their lack of attention may be having on their progress. You might even want to employ some gamification ideas, like achievements and badges, to keep them striving forward.

Final Thoughts: Focusing Between Thanksgiving and Holiday Break

It’s no secret that the few weeks between Thanksgiving and holiday break are some of the toughest for students and teachers alike. Fortunately, with some strategic thinking and extra attention, you can keep your students engaged with your classroom material so you’re prepared for the new year. 

Looking for more ideas on keeping your students focused? Check out these six classroom strategies you can implement today to motivate students.

Monday Motivator #23 2024-25

Make Kindness the Norm, Not the Exception In a world full of opportunities to connect and uplift one another, kindness has the power to shin...